Ba Teen Cast

Landing Among the Stars: When Teachers and Students Work Together by Chelsea Cook #BATeenCast Channel



{Music Intro} The following article is from the July 2015 Edition of the Braille Monitor. And you can find the Braille Monitor at NFB.Org Landing among the Stars: When Teachers and Students Work Together. By Chelsea Cook {Music} Landing Among the Stars: When Teachers and Student Work Together by Chelsea Cook From the Editor: Lately articles in the Monitor about education have been about difficulties getting class materials in accessible formats. We were thrilled to hear from Chelsea about a positive university experience, especially in a challenging degree program like physics. Chelsea is an active member of the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia and of the Writers Division. Chelsea was a 2010 scholarship winner, and she has this to say about her experiences pursuing her physics degree: It was a rainy Friday evening—Halloween, in fact—and I was waiting for the bus to take me home, though I was not going to get ready for a party or put on a costume. I was not scared or disheartened by