Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner

Give Yourself as Many Chances as You Need to Get it Right



On your journey to giving yourself as many chances as you need to get it right: Start by letting go of the past. We spend way too much time staying stuck in the past and it paralyzes us. Prevents us from moving forward. The past failures or the things that didn’t go our way or work out for us in the past still affords us an opportunity to grow. Figure out what you do want. Piggybacking on the last one, sometimes you spend way too much time in the past that you fail to take that as an opportunity to figure out what you do want. Decide what’s meaningful to you. What feeds your soul. What brings you joy. What you’re passionate about. What makes you feel like you are walking in your purpose. If you don’t take the time to figure out what you want, you will be like the hamster on the hamster wheel – just going in circles. Forget about what other people are going to thin Keep doing what feels right to you. Don’t worry about what other people may think. They do what’s best for them and you must do what’s best for you