

Forgive the creaking hinges and fluttering moths, Constant Listeners. The Losers just cracked open Stephen King’s fabled TRUNK, the one where he keeps all the inked-up pages he’s not yet ready to unleash upon the world. It’s here where the final (?) Richard Bachman's Blaze moldered for decades. Join Losers Randall Colburn, Jenn Adams, Dan Caffrey, and Dan Pfleegor as they chat about this curio in the King oeuvre. Together, they debate the peculiarities of its history, its place in the King crime canon, and what it tells us about King as a young, struggling artist. Fear not, there are several references to season 2 of Burning Love. Want to know more about Bachman? Well, we’ve got an exhaustive primer episode on ‘ol Dicky that offers an A-to-Z account of the fictional (and deceased) author. Next week, we’ll be releasing a ranking of all seven of Bachman’s books that culminates with the question of what the hell a Bachman book even is. You can only get it in the Barrens -- -- where you’ll