Highlights The Malliard Report

Exploring Harmonic Wealth through Shared Human Experience



Few things in life have the ability to transform us like the unexpected encounter of a soulmate and fellow traveler. In our latest conversation, we follow the unique journey of our guests, James Arthur and Proceval Ray Close, as they navigate the choppy waters of life's trials and triumphs, ultimately leading them to marriage and a shared purpose that's deeply rooted in harmony and well-being. Their compelling personal story offers a fresh perspective on the concept of wealth – a harmonic wealth encompassing the financial, relational, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of life. As we journey further, we uncover the intriguing intersections of leadership and harmony, daring to question common perceptions. Through our guests' wisdom, we come to understand that the notion of balance is perhaps unrealistic, instead, we should strive for a dynamic harmony across all life's aspects. They also shed light on dealing with life's disappointments - like misses in your career path - and how those moments can become