
Episode 112 | Part 2: A trustworthy person



Get the full lessons! Leave a 5 star review! (Thanks!) Talk about a trustworthy person you know. You should say: -how you met this person -how long you've known this person -why you feel they are trustworthy and say what they did to gain your trust Well, I would like to talk about a person whom I consider to be extremely trustworthy. His name is John, and I first met him during my freshman year of college, which was about five years ago. To provide some background, John and I were assigned as roommates in the college dormitory. From the very beginning, he exhibited qualities that made me feel I could trust him completely. For example, during our first or perhaps second week of living as roommates, I accidentally misplaced my wallet containing important identification documents, credit cards and a considerable amount of cash. Naturally, I was overwhelmed and stres