Fare Of The Free Child

Ep 230: Marley on Studies, Reflections, and Self-Inquiry



Subject Sprint: a learning method for designing a mindful approach towards learning and structure in a sustainable way. - MarleyWhat does productivity look like and feel like when we get to choose topics that interest us? #maddquestionaskinThis week on #fofcpod, Marley Richards, 17-year-old unschooler and SDE advocate, brings a follow-up from Episode 193: Developing a Self-directed Mindset. She speaks about her learning struggles in 2020, and the ways she used Subject Sprints  to re-center her passions.Marley asks and invites questions about the progression of education, the differences between quantity and quality, the real meaning of productivity, managing feelings of perfectionism, self-care as a point of clarity, and more. This path has broadened her access to different opinions, and ways to communicate, showing up as a constant progression, a transformative and helpful structure that has boosted her sense of fulfillment and her confidence.Thinking of a mentor session with Marley?She’s open to a few of th