Fare Of The Free Child

EP 127: Calling In (not Calling Out): Equity in SDE



Maleka Diggs and Akilah S. Richards  talk about the issues with inequitable SDE spaces in terms of race/culture.They invite you to sign up for the live, virtual training on this topic: https://radicalselfie.teachable.com/p/equityinsdeTaking this training will support your exploration and understanding of:The characteristics of pervasive whiteness and schoolish tactics in intended self-directed environments, including SDE centers, homeschooling and/or unschooling co-ops, and at home How those characteristics inform the content, the structure, the relationships, and often, the lack of success in SDE environments, and ways to work through the issues therein Why BIPOC families can feel particularly isolated inside SDE spaces (and how to proactively address that) What equity can look like in SDE spaces, and how to start creating those realities How to proactively address issues of inequitable beliefs and practices with parents who want to be part of an SDE community, but don’t seem to have done the work to be part