Fare Of The Free Child

Ep 115: The Pleasure Series



As you are learning about privilege, is your practice being fortified by listening, engage, and changing? This is the question for white people in Self-Directed Education spaces that employ, offer volunteership, or otherwise work with BIPOC adults. In can feel really good to be informed, educated, “woke” and all, but what is happening in your actual SDE space? What would non-white adults who work with you say about your communication and actions when it comes to equity? We’re not just the visual of diversity, but the practice of equity. This week's episode is reminder (or wake-up call) that equity does not end at diversity. The pleasure you get from looking at the 1, 2, or even 20 BIPOC folks in your space doesn't mean your work is done. It is this little twinge of white savior complex that can easily wrap you up in a cocoon of comfort with earplugs on. Let’s change that. As important as you feel they are, they need to feel it too. Period. Equity (or Allyship) is not just listening. It's practi