Fare Of The Free Child

Ep. 111: Parent Founders Medley



In this final episode of the Parent Founder series, Nuola speaks about play, color, and self-expression via Jean-Michel Basquiat, also known as Radiant Child, and picking resources based on children's interests. Dr. Sundiata speaks about his journey to forming GROW, including college Aha moments, entrepreneurial trials and errors, and the gratitude he has toward supportive people and his organic learning process. You’ll also hear from Sara, an SDE-minded mama who attendee of the AEROx Virtual Conference. Sara was introduced to AERO and the Alliance for Self-Directed Education by the Fare of the Free Child community, and has been able to extend her knowledge of SDE, and see how it provides children with strength, autonomy, and purpose. We close out with Binah, who, along with her friend Noelle, speak on how being in a homeschooling group for young children who often aren't included in the tween/teen-centric spaces of D.C. has helped them be aware of the work it takes to learn as a family. So much goo