Church With Jesse Lee Peterson

Does It Take Courage to Speak Up? | Church 7/16/23



Jesus was an individual. Love the bully: Discernment vs opinion. Does it take courage to speak up, or to remain quiet? Church with Jesse Lee Peterson,Sunday, July 16, 2023TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-service small talk (no Rumble)* 0:03:00 BQ: What color was Jesus? (no intro)* 0:14:55 JLP on Jesus: Individual; Lose life to gain it; Intellect* 0:33:00 Love the bully. Have no opinion. (Discernment?)* 0:50:33 Does it take courage to speak up for yourself? * 0:56:27 Dealt with mother? Wife knows he's afraid. "Strong women."* 1:07:19 No one's ever been on your side. (Discernment vs opinions)* 1:13:30 Which takes courage: To speak up, or not to speak up? * 1:23:03 JLP: It doesn't take courage to speak up. * 1:28:50 Helpful? Silent Prayer? Forgave mother. * 1:32:57 To man: All emotions are evil; let them pass, relax* 1:37:34 It’s not me, but the Father in me* 1:39:24 Closing: Pray, watch, stop protecting the ego * 1:42:00 ENDANNOUNCEMENTS not mentioned: Women's Forum 3rd Thursday! Joel Friday will lead fellowship next S