Liquid Church

How To Serve People Around You | Through You Part 3



When Jesus talks about the reason He comes to Earth, it involves eating and drinking. In the Gospels, Jesus is either at a meal, headed to a meal, coming from a meal, or talking about meals. Plus, almost 75% of Jesus’ parables center around food, wine, or drink. At the center of Jesus’ mission was a MEAL!  So, what does this have to do with you? This week you need to discern who God is calling you to share a meal with. Who is He asking you to bless by building a relationship with them? It could be anyone: an acquaintance at the gym, a member of your book club, the mom you see each morning at school dropoff. Jesus doesn’t want you to save the people around you, but He does want you to know and serve them. Your biggest obstacle might just be your calendar. Those vacation plans, swim lessons for the kids, and a crazy work schedule. But, when we withhold our time from the people around us, we are communicating to the world that we value our calendar more than the calling God has given us to bless others. Don’t ho