What Else? With Corey Mann

225 Jason Miller



My friend Jason Miller is releasing his first book, “When The World Breaks: The Surprising Hope and Subversive Promises in the Teachings of Jesus”. It’s been a 20+ year friendship that you get to eavesdrop in on as we chat about the book, its topic(s), his home church, and the best concert he has ever been to. Get the first chapter.https://www.jasonadammiller.com/when-the-world-breaks Get the book.https://www.amazon.com/When-World-Breaks-Surprising-Subversive/dp/1546003509/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=when%20the%20world%20breaks%20jason%20miller&qid=1683408838&sprefix=when%20the%20world%20breaks%20%2Caps%2C97&sr=8-1