Motorcycle Men

Episode 28 - IMS Wrap and Wreview



So here it is the post IMS episode.  IMS - International Motorcycle Show for those who didn't know.Where to begin??  Motorcycles.... Everyone was there... almost.  We checked them all out, sat on them, talked to the people in the know, saw all the accessories and services available, ate questionable food and spent way too much money.I did an interview with Jenn at Royal Enfield and also spoke with Joe, a representative of a local supporting chapter of the Wounded Warrior Project.  Victory was there showing off their non-descript bikes that they know nothing about. All the manufacturers were there showing off their new wares and toys. The "S" word was everywhere at the show and Adventure bikes were all the attraction.  Harley Davidson as well as many of the other manufacturers had bikes on stands that you could start and throttle up to get the feel of shifting on the bikes.  BMW even had a virtual reality ride or two.  Oh and there was a skills show with two fantastic and very talented riders...