

There has been a death of the art of mentorship. We moved from the emphasis of knowing how to do things into the emphasis of education and holding a degree. The issue with this is few people know how to be anything other than managed. And even fewer people have been mentored and know how to mentor. We’re facing a massive deficit in people who know how to develop themselves and others. Because this does affect our businesses in a very real way, this episode contains an excerpt from one of the modules in my new LEAD FOR WOMEN program, as well as an excerpt from one of the Voxer messages I left a client. I wanted to share these as a podcast episode because they perfectly display both the necessity of and a real-world application of moving from managing people to mentoring them. So let’s go, Mama! “I believe that if you could learn and adopt a mentorship and a leadership philosophy to how you run your business, instead of a management and a command / control approach, it will change everything for you.” – Kris P