Liquid Church

How To Share Your Faith | Through You Part 4



We need to shift our perspective on what it means to share our faith. We are called to tell the story of how Jesus changed our life. So, what’s your story? What have you overcome? What’s important to you? Who is your family? There was once a time when you weren’t in church, so how did you meet God and how has He changed your life? God wants to use YOUR STORY to impact someone else’s story!  The purpose of being a Christians isn’t to sing songs, watch sermons, and stay out of trouble. The purpose of being a Christian is to persuade others into the Kingdom of God. Now, you may have some excuses for why you don’t want to share your story with others. Maybe you’re nervous because you don’t believe you have what it takes. Maybe you think this would be imposing your beliefs on others. Or sharing your story feels uncomfortable. If that’s you, then this message will give you the guidance you need to tell your story with confidence. Watch this message from Pastor Todd Crews, and learn how to tell your story in 3 steps