Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Life Interrupted | Part 3 | Trading Places | Michelle Snook



Trading Places Life Interrupted: Reluctant Prophet, Relentless God July 23, 2023 Sooner or later, it happens to all of us. Someone asks us to do something. And we know we should; we want to want to do it. We might even be aware that it’s something that God wants or is asking us to do. But we’re just not feeling it. We don’t want to. We are reluctant. We are so focused on what we want, on our own needs, comfort, or agenda, that we don’t want to go out of our way or get out of our comfort zone, even when it’s God who asks us to. But if we don’t, if we give in to our reluctance, we’ll miss the blessing the follows obedience. This is week three of our four-part series on the book of Jonah. I invite you to join us this Sunday as we discover that God can use even the most reluctant steps of obedience to bring about tremendous blessing. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: https://www.