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Unlocking DTC Site Engagement: Strategies for Amazon Sellers to Connect with Consumers with Eric Melchor of Optimonk



Engaging consumers on a DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) site is a crucial aspect of scaling brands for Amazon sellers. With the objective of maximizing growth with minimal capital, it is essential to optimize strategies for DTC site engagement. This article will explore various effective techniques to connect with consumers, boost brand visibility, and enhance customer experiences. By implementing these strategies, Amazon sellers can unlock the potential of their DTC sites and achieve long-term success. Time Stamps 0:00:00 Introduction to the Importance of Growing a Brand 0:02:18 Using a DTC Site to Personalize the Shopping Experience 0:04:09 The Value of List Building and Zero Party Data 0:07:04 Engaging with Visitors to Collect Zero Party Data 0:09:32 The Importance of Personalizing the Experience for Visitors 0:10:48 The Difference Between Zero Party Data and Other Types of Data 0:14:38 The Impact of Zero Party Data on Email Marketing 0:18:44 The Benefits of Conversion Rate Optimization for DTC Sites 0:20:24 The