Marketing Today With Alan Hart

377: Audience First Marketing and A Culture of Learning with Lauren Weinberg, CMO at Square



Lauren Weinberg is a proud boy mom, a loving dog mom,and currently the Chief Marketing and Communications Officer at Square, driving global marketing and communications strategy. She started her career by measuring media metrics, then made her way into b2b media, and eventually moved over to the consumer side of marketing strategy. She spent some time running her own consulting business, then landed at Square where she has been for the past 6 years. Previously, she held leadership roles at Yahoo!, MTV, and AOL. Lauren sees marketing at Square as the growth engine, and her team is responsible for the brand, the perceptions, and the acquisition of new customers. In this episode, Alan and Lauren discuss Square's business model, how it has dimensionalized and expanded over the years, the impact of data on Square's marketing efforts, and the incrementalism and principled risks that marketing organizations need to take in order to be competitive. Square started in 2009 with the purpose of enabling any individu