Just In Health Podcast

The Anxiety, Mood & Gut Connection - Live Podcast | Podcast #395



The Anxiety, Mood & Gut Connection - Live Podcast | Podcast #395 Schedule a FREE Consult: http://www.justinhealth.com/free-consultation Timestamp: 00:12 - Anxiety and Mood Medications 02:50 - Hormonal Imbalances and Issues 06:44 - Protein and Neurotransmitters 10:10 - Patients with Diet Protocols 13:48 - Tools to Fix the Root Cause 17:13 - Functional Medicine Approach 19:22 - Health Anxiety and Conventional Approach 22:19 - Takeaways Review us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/itunes Podcast Transcription: Coming Soon! Description: Explore the profound link between your gut health and mood in our latest video on Functional Medicine's take on the gut-mood connection. We delve into the science behind the 'second brain' and how imbalances in our gut microbiota can significantly influence our emotional and psychological health. Featuring leading Functional Medicine experts, we'll break down the complex relationship between our gut, brain and the role of inflammation. Unearth practical tips on dietary cha