Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Making Care Fun and Memorable with Music



Lori La Bey, host of Alzheimer's Speaks Radio will talk with Roy Tal, from Tel Aviv, who is doing amazing work to improve the lives of those living with dementia.  Roy is a 34 year old with a big heart who was touched by dementia in his own family.  Listen in on how Roy took that experience to improve the lives of others.   He is a social entrepreneur & music graduate co-founder of Imagine an NPO that empowers special needs musicians. He is also the founder and CEO of 2gether  which will be the focus of our conversation today. Contact Roy Tal of 2gether: Website: Email: Video:   For Additional Resource on Dementia Alzheimer's Speaks Website: Dementia Chats: Memory Cafe: this Show: for privacy information.