Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Can Music & Personal Messages Leverage a Peacefulness Within?



Lori La Bey, host and founder of Alzheimer's Speaks Radio will talk with Zach Gordon, a RN and inventor of the Memesto Program and Ron Gregory, the founder of Alzheimer's Music Connect.  They will discuss both men's businesses which are improving life for those living with a variety of forms of dementia.  Find out how these tools can assist your loved one and or your clients..Win a Memesto program by being the 5th person to Share this episode from Alzheimer's Speaks Facebook Page Contact Memesto     Website:      Email:      Phone:  (269) 759-8235 Contact Alzheimer’s Music Connect       Website:       Products are also available on Amazon For Additional Resources on Dementia & Caregiving     Website:     Dementia Chats:     Speaker, Consultant, Coach: this Show: https://alzheimersspea