Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Open Mic



Host of Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio, Lori La Bey chats with Geert Bettinger, an author from the Netherlands, Truthful Loving Kindness and Harry Urban both living in the US and who are live  with a form of dementia. Tru addresses the fact that she has not been able to be involved with radio as she needs to read lips and see faces when talking.  She talks about the benefit of Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio using a video platform which offers her the ability to participate and opens doors for her advocacy work.  Harry discussing the international programs he is involved with even if he can’t speak their language, he finds ways to communicate and develop close relationships.  Geert discusses dementia and medicine as a hot topic worldwide. For Additional Resources on Dementia go to  www.AlzheimersSpeaks.comSupport this Show: for privacy information.