Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Dementia: Navigating Later Life



Lori La Bey, founder and host of Alzheimer's Speaks will interview Barbara Kirby today about how to navigate dementia later in life.  Barbara Kirby has 25 years of experience in elder care and the study of aging and 15 years of real life experience caring for her mom and dad  Barb started her business as a "Later Life Planner, Navigator and Advocate" to help others avoid mishaps.  She has also written a book called Life Planning Support & Advocacy for Seniors and their Families – Raising Awareness for a Better Life in Later Years." Reach Barb Kirby Below: Email              Phone: 604-767-4994                 Website  Additional Resources by Alzheimer's Speaks    Keynotes     Dementia Chats Videos     Dementia FriendlySupport this Show: for privacy information.