Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Dementia - Music, Memory and Meaning



Dementia - Music, Memory and Meaning Tuesday, Dec.19th our host Lori La Bey of Alzheimer’s Speaks will be interviewing three board certified music therapists: Tara Jenkins, Meredith Hamons and Cathy Befi-Hensel; who are the authors of the new amazing book “Music, Memory and Meaning.” Join the conversation by calling in (323) 870-4602, or use the chat box to talk with us. Contact Our Guests: You can purchase our book on Amazon.  If you have questions, feedback, or would like to stay connected with "Music, Memory, and Meaning" and our upcoming events connect with us on Facebook.  If you are local to the Austin, TX area and are interested in music therapy services contact us. Phone: 512-422-9694 Additional Resources by Alzheimer's Speaks Dementia Chats Dementia Film Become Dementia FriendlySupport this Show: for privacy information.