Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Dementia: Change Your Perceptions - Change Your Outcomes



Thursday you will hear the interesting conversation we had with Geert Bettinger, from the Netherlands.  He is the Author of “Moving on by standing still,” a different view of Problem behaviors.  Lori La Bey had two Co-Hosts join her - Harry Urban and Laurie Scherrer who both live with a diagnosis of dementia.  Saying we had an interesting conversation is actually an understatement.  Listen and learn how shifting your perceptions can shift your outcomes. Geert Can be Reached: Email  Website  LinkedIn  Buy His Book  Resources: Alzheimer's Speaks Dementia Chats - Video interviews with those living with dementia Become Dementia Friendly Memory Cafe's - Support gatherings for those with living with demenita and their Care Partners Dementia Friendly Cruise Care to Plan - A Dementia Resource Directory (Currently being Beta Tested)Support this Show: for privacy information.