Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Film Director Discusses Dementia



Today we are lucky to have Kevin O’Neill who worked in television and film on shows like "Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman", "Beverly Hills 90121"and "Highway to Heaven." Kevin's thirty-year background in acting has made him a strong director with actors. He has written and directed several short films, “Clark”, “Captain Fin”, “Lean”, Perception and "Undertaking." "Undertaking" starred Los Angeles veteran Eddie Jemison. Kevin’s short films have toured the film festival circuit winning ten grand jury awards. He has written four feature scripts "Thundersmack", "Trestles", "Undertaking" and "The Flamingo Kids". Kevin has been a Course Director at Full Sail University where he has taught directing for over ten years. He has taught acting classes for the last twenty years in the Orlando area. In 2014 Kevin won two Bronze Telly Awards for his role in Online How To/ Instructional and Internet/Online Education videos.  Contact Information For Kevin O’Neill FACEBOOK TWITTER https: