Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Navigating barriers & bridges between Romania & America



Today we are lucky to have Philip Choban, known as, “Flip”, with us to discuss how he has personally been “Navigating Barriers & Bridges Between Romania & America.” Philip is CEO/Co-Founder of TeleMed Europa and Managing Director of Telios Romania.  He is also the Ambassador in Romania for the Purple Angel Dementia Education Movement and a Certified Alzheimer’s Care-giving Specialist. Philip is heavily involved in education for Alzheimer’s Disease with a specific focus on care-giving for Alzheimer’s patients. He understands it as he has personally lived it, caring for his wife Carmen. He is also working in conjunction with HealthCare Interactive in the United States to develop a Romanian version of its training curriculum. Contact Information For Additional Resource Information: Alzheimer’s Speaks Resource Website: Keynote Speaker: Dementia