Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Living With Dementia Daze Plus Keeping Up With Medications!



Alzheimer's Speaks Radio gives independent voices a chance to be heard.  Join the conversation by calling in or using the chat box. Please "Like Us" and share with others in your social circles,  The more resources we can share the better for everyone.  Thank you for listening and taking the time to share. Our first guest is Laurie Scherrer who was diagnosed at age 55, with Early Onset Alzheimer’s and FTD (Frontotemporal Dementia), thus ending her career in sales and service.  Recently, Laurie and her husband, Roy made a series of videos on Sign Language for PWD (Persons With Dementia).  The videos are designed for PWD and their care partner to learn 19 signs that would be recognized by any American Sign Language interpreter.  They are meant to provide PWD with a visual form of communication when their verbal skills are weak.   Seven videos are available at or on Laurie’s Our second guest is Mary Ann Andrews is the inventor of the PillRite pill management system.