Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Help For Struggling Caregivers - Join Alzheimer's Speaks Radio



Alzheimer's Speaks Radio was created to have honest discussions and real needs and resources for those dealing with dementia.  Please feel free to call into the show or use the chat box to communicate with us during the live show.  If you can't  make the live show we would still love to hear your thoughts about the topic. Today we have patient advocate, Michelle Chaffee from Minneapolis, MN with us.  It was through Michelle's own family medical crisis along with her professional background that she created Alska.  Michelle understood the needs of caregivers across the spectrum of care and saw the gaps in the care system, which lead to the creation of a remarkable tool that supports and empowers individuals and optimizes delivery of care.  Come join us and learn how this tool might be able to assist you.  You can contact Michelle via Email Interested in a new Clincal Trial?  Check Out Alzheimer's Study For more information on dementia and caregiving go to Alzheimer's Speaks Resource Website.Support t