Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Another Brilliant Voice of Someone Living With Dementia - Mary Kay Baum



Alzheimer's Speaks loves hearing everyone's opinions and insights to living with dementia.  Today we all have the great honor to speak with Rev, Mary Kay Baum who is not only diagnosed with dementia, but who is doing amazing work to improve lives.  In fact, I personally got the chance to meet her and interview her the other week at the Wisconsin Assisted Living Association 1/2 intensive preconference on building Dementia Friendly Communities and Businesses. I promise this will be a wonderful conversation and you will walk away some brilliant new insights on how to live with the disease gracefully. Check out Mary Kay Baum's website Call her at (608)935-5834  or send her an email. For more information on Dementia and Caregiving go Alzheimer's Speaks Resource Website.Support this Show: for privacy information.