Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Dementia - We Are In This Together



Alzheimer's Speaks Radio raises the voice of all who have an interest in dementia and providing great care to those in need.  The show launched in 2010, because it's founder Lori La Bey, felt a strong need to help individuals, organizations and communities connect to the vast resources available around the world.  During her personal 30 year journey with her own mother, she saw so many people struggling with this disease.  Alzheimer's Speaks provides a variety of platforms to nurture the soul, educate the public and build community.  Check out Alzheimer's Speaks website. Our guest today will be Mike Good the founder of Together in This an online community helping family members caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. Through short, informative articles and easy-to-use tools, such as the Introductory Guide to Alzheimer’s, he helps them take control and have peace-of-mind they are doing the right things.  Join us today to hear Mike's interesting journey into the world of dementia and what got him here; along with