Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Advocates Raising Awareness - Making Life Easier With All Types Of Dementia



Alzheimer's Speaks Radio was launched to generate conversation and share resources, products, tools and services to improve life for those with dealing with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. We will start are show off with Molly Dye of CareZips®, an easy and dignified way to ease the grooming process.  Find out how they were inspired and how they can help you! CareZips® Website   or 800.206.4713 What resources do you know of that could help someone else?  Call in and tell us at (714) 364-4757 Our second guest will be Wayne Mesker who founded  the “Rock Against Dementia” project.  Come listen, learn and ask your questions about how music can help shift our dementia care culture. Website          Phone: 216-316-2379          Email   Go to Alzheimer's Speaks Resource Website to find out about all of our free resources and tools for dementia and caregiving.Support this Show: for privacy information.