Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Supporting Those Dealing With Young Onset Plus Author Phyllis Brown



Alzheimer's Speaks Radio has another great program today.  Our first guest will be Susan Frick from the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center to talk about their new program "Without Warning."  This program is designed for those with young onset (65 and under) and those that care for them.  Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center Without Warning Website Our second guest will be author Phyllis R. Brown, who wrote the book, "Help Me I'm Slipping."  Phyllis talks of her personal journey wth her husband who has dementia. Amazon Author Page         SDP Publishing          Barnes & Noble   Come learn and share your thoughts with us during this very important two hours as we all share our knowledge and insights to help others. Call in at (714) 364-4757 or use the chat box to communicate with us.  Your voice is just as important as those of us on the show! For more information on dementia and caregiving check out Alzheimer's Speak's resource website.Support this Show: omnystud