Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Open Mic & Clergy Against Alzheimer's Network On Alzheimer's Speaks Radio



USAgainstAlzheimer's Clergy Network will be join us to discuss their new book released, “Seasons of Caring: Meditations for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregivers”.  Joining us will be: Dr. Daniel Potts, Rabbi Steven Glazer, Dr. Richard Morgan and Lynda Everman. Open Mic On Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Celebrating The Holiday Season.  Let your voice be heard. Before another holiday season slips by us, we would love to hear from you.  What are your struggling with during this time of year?  What are you grateful for?  Are you holding to your normal family traditions or have you made some adjustments?  We all know the holidays can be a beautiful and stressful time of the year.  For some, it's down right depressing.  Here on Alzheimer's Speaks Radio we believe it's ok to feel a variety of emotions and we want to be a safe place for people to share  and support one another. Call in at (714) 364-4757 or use the chat box to talk with us.  Together, we can make a difference to improve our dementia care culture. Look