Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Memory Care Home Solutions & The Second Forgetting



Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Giving Voice to All Founder and Executive Director Lisa Baron, J.D., who established Memory Care Home Solutions will be our first today.  Lisa will explain her unique service she provides families at home caring for loved ones with memory loss, dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Learn how her company can help you and those your know dealing with dementia. Website               Email Phone 314-645-6247 Our second guest will be Dr. Ben Mast, author of Second Forgetting who will discuss his book and the importance of his views on dementia. Purchase the Book          Website               Email           Twitter  @benjaminmast1 Please join us and use the chat box or call in live to join the conversation Need ideas for holiday gifts for those with dementia? If so, click here. For more information on dementia and caregiving go to Alzheimer's Speaks Website.Support this Show: for privacy information.