Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Fuel For Thought - What Makes Our Minds Run Better?



Fuel For Thought - What Makes Our Minds Run Better? Alzheimer's Speaks gives voice to all dealing with dementia. We would love to hear your thoughts as well. Use the chat box or call in live to talk with us. Today we will be featuring Fuel For Thought, a coconut oil drink, fortified with medium-chain triglycerides, that can be consumed every day to support brain performance and neurological health through nourishing ketones.  It's currently the subject of a clinical trial at the prestigious USF Byrd Alzheimer's Institute looking into the effect of taking coconut oil on the cognition, functioning, and behavior of older adults with mild to moderate Alzheimer's. Find details on the study here.  We will also hear from a Fuel For Thought user, living with mild cognitive impairment, and his wife on their experience with Fuel For Thought. Cognate Nutritionals, makers of Fuel For Thought. 855-453-8663 For more information on Dementia & Caregiving check out Alzheimer's Speaks Website.Support this Show: htt