Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

The Gift Of Forgetfulness Guide: Posts To What Matters, Plus The Power Of Dance



Today Alzheimer's Speaks Radio chats with two brilliant individuals touching hearts and lives.  Join the conversation by calling in or using the chat box. Our first guest will be Nader Shabahangi a licensed psychotherapist and Cofounder of AgeSong. His multicultural background has fueled his passion for becoming an advocate and for creating programs with the purpose of caring more comprehensively for elders. He has written several books.  Two I will mention are "Deeper into the Soul" and "Conversations with Ed." Our second guest will be Mary Turner-Archer of Breath Of Life, Creative Arts.  Once a Performer she is now a Transformer of Lives.  She combines her knowledge of Brain Science, Music and Dance.  You can reach Mary by phone 760-296-3347 or email. For additional resources on dementia and caregiving check out Alzheimer's Speaks where you can get to our blog, the Dementia Chats webinar series, our resource directory, the YouTube channel and more.Support this Show: