Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Dementia Mentors and More



Welcome to Alzheimer's Speaks Radio where we listen to all voices on dementia. Today we will have talk with some of the foundering members of Dementia Mentors: Gary Joseph LeBlanc, Richard Taylor, Michael Neuvirth  and Harry Urban. Demetia Mentors was built to help those newly diagnosed understand their life is not over, by connecting them with a mentor who has been living with the disease himself.  This is a fantastic program and resourceful  website which will help people around the world. Call in and join the conversation. Our second guest will be Dr. Koffler who is located in Miami Beach, Florida.  She is the Assistant Medical Director for Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation, known as ARPF.  We will be talking about nutrition and why it's important to all of us!  Email    1-888-908-5766 Check out Alzheimer's Speaks Website for more resources and information - Blog, Free Webinars, Tools, Resource Directory and more.Support this Show: