Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

A Love Story Of Dementia Care



Welcome to Alzheimer's Speaks Radio where we listen to all voices on dementia. Our first guest Jane Sweeney, used a pen name of JC to write "Caregiver: My Love Story, Facing Dementia."  This is a powerful and very "caregiver friendly" book. The book is her tribute to her sweetheart Bernie, to honor his love. Jane wanted and needed to share what she learned.  By giving to others tips she learned from her own journey, Jane hopes to bring awareness to the difficulties faced by so many walking this path. Website         Email      Our second guest will be Dr. Shubin is active in research for dementia. As the Director and Principal Investigator of Neuro-Therapeutics, Inc., he provides opportunities for those diagnosed to be involved in cutting edge research in neurology. Today, he will talk to use about a phase 3 clinical study.  The trial involves LMTX, a Tau protein aggregation inhibitor for patients with early Alzheimers. LMTX™ acts by reducing levels of aggregated or misfolded Tau proteins, which are associ