Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Students And Dementia - What's The Connection



Welcome to Alzheimer's Speaks Radio where we listen to all voices on dementia. Michelle Remold, a college student and one of her professors Dr. Elaine Eshbaugh, at the University of Northern Iowa will join us today to discuss the impact of dementia on up and coming generations. Email Michelle        Email Elaine Our second guest will be Marla Kurtz, CTRS (Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist) whose main population are individual's suffering from various forms of dementia and Alzheimer's.  She  has taken her education, knowledge, years of experience, and skills set to create opportunities for those who are unable to participate in community based programs and bring leisure opportunities to those who are remaining at home "aging in place." Website       Email        Phone   416 988 0502 Check out Alzheimer's Speaks Website for more resources and information - Blog, Free Webinars, Tools, Resource Directory and more.Support this Show: