Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Music Matters - Learn Why!



Welcome to Alzheimer's Speaks Radio where we listen to all voices on dementia. This week we will have Ron Gregory CEO of Alzheimer's Music Connect and it's parent company LifeMusic. Inc..  Ron has been touched by dementia through several family members and has applied his skill set to make a difference in how we care for those with dementia.  Come join the conversation and learn how powerful music is and how it can help you and those you care for. Website - Alzheimer's Music Connect      Phone   855-543-3687 Our second guest will be Atlanta musician Vince Zangaro who is a man with a musical mission. After his dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, Zangaro left his corporate job to care for him.  The lessons within this dynamic have re-inspired Zangaro's love for music.  Pamela Jo Van Ahn, with Caring Together in Hope which is a 501c will be joining us as well.  Caring Together in Hope is working with Vince to support and promote this fantastic music fest. Come and learn what he is up to and how you can partic