Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Picking a Nursing Home & Open Mic



Welcome to Alzheimer's Speaks Radio where we listen to all voices at all levels regarding Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Our first guest will be Joanna Leefer, Author of "Almost Like Home - A Family Guide to Navigating the Nursing Home Maze."  Bring your questions and comments.  Call in (714) 364-4757 or use the chat box. Website     Email     Phone  [917) 923 5141 The second half of the show today will be open mic and we would love to hear what you think about Alzheimer's disease, dementia and caregiving. What are you doing to make a difference?  What needs do you see that are not being met?  How would you like to live your life if you got diagnosed? What great resources have you found to be helpful? Check out Alzheimer's Speaks Website for more resoures and information - Blog, Free Webinars, Tools, Resource Directory and more.Support this Show: for privacy information.