Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Dementia Around The World



Our first guest will be Tryn Rose Seley who is a professional caregiver, photographer, and musician. Tryn is passionate about speaking, writing and collaborating with others who share a hopeful approach around Alzheimer's. She has written a book, created a phone App, and teaches a regular art class for those with Alzheimer's and related dementias.  Come and learn more about Tryn and how what she has learned can help you. Website       Facebook Our second guest will be Marc Wortmann the Executive Director of Alzheimer's Disease International will be with us to talk about the G8 Summit, their annual conference coming up in May,  a report on nutrition and dementia due out in Feb. and an initiative to further involve people living with dementia in our workplace. Website       Facebook For more information and resources check out Alzheimer's Speaks Website or email us.Support this Show: for privacy information.