Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Dementia Expert Teepa Snow Shares Insights + Laughter Is The Best Medicine



We are thrilled to have Teepa Snow with us today on the show.  I consider Teepa one of my mentors in the industry.  She is exceptional at not only what she does, but how she shares information with both staff and the public.  Teepa uses real life situations and then gives simple senarios to change outcomes.  To use the word "Brilliant" to describe Teepa does not do her justice. Check out her up coming courses at the Historic Academy of Medicine at Georgia Tech 875 West Peachtree Street N.W. Atlanta, GA 30309 January 21, 2014 BEST CARE PRACTICES IN DEMENTIA CARE Learning to Give Care Without the Fight (Part 1) January 22 - 23, 2014 TEEPA'S GEMS Using Skills that Make a Difference (Part II) March 21, 2014 THE ROADBLOCK OF DENIAL When They Don't Want Help and Things are Getting Worse April 4 - 5, 2014 DIGGING INTO DINING A Positive Approach to Eating and Drinking When Dementia Changes Abilities Check out Teepa's Website Author Christina Luca of " What Else Can You Do But Laugh?"  will be with us.  C