Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Dementia Alzheimer's Caregiving : Hi Tech - Hi Touch Ideas



This week again we are lucky to have Sherri Snelling with us as my Co-host.  Sherri is the founder of the Caregiving Club and the author of "A Cast of Caregivers."  You can learn more about Sherri by checkingout her website.  Today our guests will be: Ruth Curran from Cranium Crunches will talk about her personal journey in developing brain games to help caregivers and loved ones stay connected.  She has developed a new one too, called “RELAX.” Gary Kaye from In the Boom Box is tech guru who will talk about tech trends to support caregivers.  Both of our guests are so timely with the holiday’s right around the corner!   Get your pad of paper to take notes for great gift ideas. Join the conversation by using your chat box or calling in live to the show.  Remember all shows are archived for your convenience. Visit Alzheimer's Speaks website for additional tools and resourcesSupport this Show: for privacy information.