Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Avoid Scams & Living and Loving a Spouse with Dementia



Avoid Scams - Be Wise, Informed and Empowered Today we will have Gary Jonson from the Minnesota Better Business Association join us to discuss how to avoid scams and what to do if  you one into an unethical company. This URL has some great information on charitable giving does and don'ts. You can reach Gary here: Phone: 651-695-2424 Our second guest today will be Author Nancy Smiler Levinson who wrote "Moments of Dawn: A Poetic Memoir of Love and Family, Affliction and Affirmation."  We will have a wonderful discussion on how Nancy, as spouse dealt with the disease and cared for her husband.  We would love to hear how you are dealing with this situation as well! Contact Nancy by email:       Click Here To Purchase the book "Moments of Dawn"Support this Show: for privacy information.