Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Author Living with Dementia Speaks Out & New APP For Carers



Today we are blessed to have Author Kate Swaffer with us who has written Love, Life, Loss, A Roller Coaster of Poetry.  Kate was diagnosed with dementia at the age of 49.  She will share with us her very intimate world as she lives it and sees it, through poetry and more. Contact Kate though: Website and Blog at Twitter  - Our second guest Rawad Sheikh, is the founder of “Touching Care”.   She found through her personal experience with Alzheimer as a caregiver that Caregivers experience and suffer from high levels of depression which is derived from many factors mainly feeling lonely and isolated, and lack of emotional and social support which lead to poor quality of life and early admission to care facilities specially that the amount of time and care increases on caregivers as the disease progresses. Inspired by her experience, Rawad established her application that uses the power of Reminiscence and provides comprehensive information, tools and r