Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Dementia, Building Community & Engagement



Today we will have on of the top leaders in the world on culture change with us... Dr. Bill Thomas.I hope you can join the conversation as it is always fun and enlighting when talking with Bill.  To Contact Dr. Thomas please go to his website: Harry Urban, an Expert living with memory loss and Founder of "Forget Me Not."  Harry will talk about his new group and their launch to assist those that speak Spanish. Harry can be reached via Facebook.  Search Harry Urban Sherice Recke, known to many as Shauney Baby.  She has been working in the entertainment industry for many years and is one of the most celebrated female drummers both nationally and internationally. today we will discuss the benefits of Drumming with those with Dementia. Shauney can be reached below: Website: Phone: 323-876-5173 Facebook: Twitter: this Show: omnystudio.c