Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Open Mic for Dementia Awareness & 2 FREE Apps Given Away



It's Open Mic on Alzheimer's Speaks Radio It's Time To Join The Conversation And Let Your Voice Be Heard! 2 FREE Apps will be given away to the the Unus Tactus (1 Touch App) for our callers Dawn Fields, Producer of the film “Shattered Love” joined us to tell us about this extra ordinary film she is working on.  This a film has a powerful script which will captivate it's audience and hold them hostage in the reality of delusions which holds the hands of those walking the path of dementia. This program will be an open discussion with our audience.  We want o hear from you!  How did you get involved with dementia?  Did it pick you or did you pick it? What are you doing to raise awarenss of dementia? What do you think are the biggest needs for those dealing with dementia both patients and their care partners? What do you think Alzheimer's Speaks Resource website, blog and Radio should d