Packers Talk

Cheesehead Radio: The Enthusiasm Gap Widens



Well...that was....a win. I mean, right? A win is a win, unless it gives your fanbase anxiety when you barely eak out a win against a terrible team at home, knowing the playoff and high-octane teams are right around the corner. After a 24-20 win against the Jaguars, its time to sit down and take a good look at this Green Bay Packers team and figure out where we go from here. Joining us this week is the ever-welcome John Rehor, with his weekly contribution, "Listening to Reason"--something you certainly don't want to miss. Join the Cheesehead Radio gang as we take you through all our opinions, our Hot Pockets and predictions for this week's upcoming game against the Colts. Join co-hosts CD Angeli, Jersey Al Bracco, and Kelly Hodgson, celebrating the tenth anniversary of your favorite Packers podcast! Cheesehead Radio is a part of the Packers Talk family of podcasts, serving up enough weekly podcasts to satisfy the most fervent of Packer fans. Follow Packers Talk on Twitter, Facebook, and subscribe ov